If you want to learn and discover the fastest way to create family portraits that clients love to buy and pose for, than this product is for you….
I’ve been shooting families since I was 22 years old. Back then, I started photographing in a busy, high volume franchise type photography studio. And at the height of the Christmas season no less, with an endless flow of bookings. What a way to learn, and learn fast. Here’s two facts I learned from over 30 years of photographing families:
1-They are lucrative and the backbone of a successful portrait studio. Every serious portrait photographer needs to create sellable family portraits.
2- They are tough. As in, not easy. Families are so varied and unique, in many ways (especially when you’re starting out) they are as hard as shooting weddings.
Boy, did I get thrown in the deep end!
And was I nervous. Since I was so young and inexperienced, I had to learn, and learn fast. I suppose there is no better way to get good at something but to jump in whole hog, head first, learn to swim, baptism of fire sort of experience…… is there?
You see, no one back then was there to show me the ropes. Sure, I knew enough about exposure and lighting to get by on, but on posing families, I was on my own. A complete newbie. I could have saved a lot of grief and struggle has I had a mentor.
One important thing I did learn in all these years of photographing weddings, babies, children and families, is that families is my favorite of all sessions. There is something very special about the family unit. Another thing I also discovered along the way is that there is no easy, blueprint, simple, 123 solution to mastering, teaching and sharing the qualities needed to create great looking family portraits.
But I tried to do that anyhow. Even though families is a huge universe and much tougher than appears on the outside (hey, I’m being honest here-even though I could potentially be shooting myself in the foot), I pulled it together and brought every single element, strategy and technique that I personally felt was and is essential to teaching someone else who wants to master family portraits. Especially posing.
And what I created is what I believe to be the most comprehensive guide to working with and posing families available on the market today. The Profitable Studio Family Success system…….
It includes:
*videos of me shooting large families, small families, families in the studio, low key, high key, families outside during the “sweet hour“, as if you are there, over my shoulder, over two solid hours of edited content
*explanation of what is happening, why things are done a certain way…no stone left unturned. Crucial information that is essential to successfully pose families
*detailed discussion of the ins and outs of creating rapport, posing and tempo
*videos on larger, multi-generation families. You’ll see me remain calm in the face of sheer terror…crazy two year olds!
*lighting and finding the light
*attitude and bonding with clients
*marketing strategies for success with families
*73 posing guide pdf. Loaded with images and detailed explanation
*Best of marketing for families video, explaining and showing examples of the best of the best marketing strategies for a successful family portrait business
And some cool free bonus goodies……including my 190 page Big Book of Ads For Portrait & Wedding Photographers PDF, 8.5″x11″, pure marketing gold, loaded with examples and marketing ideas such as price lists, sales letters, babies first year letters, senior marketing sales letters, newsprint ads, studio newsletters…and more, much more, for you to succeed in your photography business. Only available as a bonus with this family system….
Plus, as added bonus, you will also receive my original Ultimate Posing Guide.
It ain’t pretty, but it’s loaded with great tips, tricks and posing strategies.
P.S. Families are by far my favorite and most profitable area for portraiture and studio growth. With all that I am giving you in this system, it’s a no-brainer. Building your photography business with family portrait as your foundation is a very wise move.