NoBs Photo Success Inc Testimonials…
from real peeps, no hyped up, arm twisted, drag em down and force the words from them….totally authentic….
“NOBS is the reason my studio sales went up over 75% in one year. I’m taking my husband, three kids, my four parents and myself on a round trip to Walt Disney World including rooms, park tickets, meals and plane tickets for one week because of my success this past year which I attribute to NOBS! And yes, I’m a stay-at-home mom, too! To date, I’ve referred four photographers to this site and they love it! Kelly”
“This is one of the best forums out there. The people on this site are incredible and very helpful – family really. They want you to succeed. And the tutorials, downloads from basic to the most advanced is absolutely the best anywhere. If you had to buy it all it would cost 100’s no 1,000’s of dollars. I have been on the forum for 4 months and still have not been through all of the information. Rod C”
“NoBS is a great source for those who are motivated to improve their photographic skills. The tutorials are amazing, the forums are friendly and helpful, and the downloads are abundant. I am constantly checking in to see what everyone is doing and reading the great tips everyone has to offer from lighting to business development. Cindy Shaver”
“No Bs? You’ll never experience this type of learning in any class room. The volume of knowledge and the friendliest people you’ll ever want to meet. When I first came to No Bs I thought I was a good photographer. Now I know I’m a better photographer with all the help and support I got here. Thanks No Bs.. Michael Lunny”
“I don’t have words to describe NoBS.. it’s wonderful beyond any expection a new photographer could ever have. I’ve only been there a few months and I’ve learned and grown so much already. It is truly an invaulable resource for any photographer. You are immediatley welcomed and inspired beyond anything you could imagine. If you want to be a photographer, if you already are a photographer, or if you maybe someday want to give it a try you need to come to this site. It’s priceless. Jamie”
“NoBs is my favorite photography forum, bar none. There are tons of good advice and helpful members there. If you need portrait advice, need some marketing info, or want to discuss the latest camera or lens all you have to do is post about it. There are members from all aspects of professional photography. And it is a great place for beginners to learn the business of photography. There really is a good balance of beginners, intermediates, and working pros on NoBs. The site prides itself on being helpful and not playing favorites. There are no dumb questions and members will never flame you for asking anything. It is a professional environment, there is no profanity, no cut downs, only real useful discussions. And the downloads section is worth the price alone. The workflow actions and tutorials will advance your photography by years if you had to learn it all alone. I used to go to a lot of photo conventions, but being a member here is like having a convention on your computer all of the time because of all the information at your fingertips. I was a working pro before I joined NoBs and I remain a member because of the wealth of information here and the ability to network with other photographers. NoBs is highly recommended. Mike Marquis”
“NOBS is by far the best photography forum on the web. I can’t say enough about how great the members are. They have taught me so much. I had a love for photography before joining NOBS but now it has become a passion and a successful business for me. I honestly can’t say enough about it. It is a gold mine of information that will take your photography to the next level.” Venus Jones
“If you are serious about improving your photography skills and knowledge, you MUST join this forum. I had spent a ton of money on video tapes & books all of which delivered only a fraction of the improvement that I realized after only a few months on this forum. The free exchange of knowledge and ideas is awesome! William Banish”
“What a welcoming and wonderful place. No question is too small or situation too hard to get help on. I am a degreed photographer that has shot all over the world for years and then put a 10 year break between film and digital. I am learning and sharing everyday. I can’t imagine doing without this site. It has saved me 10 years of learning. Now how much is that worth? Chuck Thompson”
“NOBS is by far the best photography forum that I have ever seen or been a part of. I have tried several other paid membership sites only to have inflated egos and impatience with beginner questions zap my confidence and send me packing in the other direction. The members at NOBS are different. They are led by two of the most open, honest, and helpful professional photographers out there- Rob Provencher ( and James Hodgins ( They insist on a certain level of genuine concern about contributing to each others growth and they lead by example by providing absolute NOBS, nitty gritty, this is how it’s done video demos, actions, marketing information, etc. All of this is done in a direct, honest, and helpful style. Think about your favorite teacher in school. How much you liked that person for their teaching style and their attitude? Well, that’s Rob and James. And the NOBS community follows that lead by pitching in and answering questions (often repeated when another new member has the same question but that’s okay), offering ideas, and more. Many of the NOBS members are more than close friends to me now. They are like family. And they are my support system and cheerleaders when things go wrong and when I celebrate each success along the way in my journey as a small business owner. What could be cooler than that? And the monthly membership fee will pay for itself about 100 times over in the first year alone. REALLY. I will absolutely tell you that NOBS has put over $40k more income in my pocket in the past two years. How? Better pricing strategies, marketing information, faster workflow, etc. I went from scraping by to starting to make money with my business to taking it full time next year. NOBS will get you there faster than any other paid membership site out there and they will do it with a positive attitude, helpful members, and more bang for your buck in content than you could ever imagine.I hope to see you introduce yourself in the new members section soon! Kris Gay Bella Vita Studios”
“Hi Rob, I am sending you this PM to say thank you so much for the NOBS forum. I have been working really hard for a year reading everything I can get my hands on about photography, photoshop, lighting, and so on. I can honestly say in the last few weeks I have learned more from this forum that I have in an entire year. This was a brilliant idea for you guys to start this and it has taken the frustration and BS out of learning photography. Sincerely, Dawn Schubert”
“Rob and James, For two years I have read and inhaled all the learning tools and information you both offered. Last November I joined the website. In the back of my mind I always said — “One day I will be able to actually be a photographer….. One day — No longer a “wannabe”.. I didn’t want to be someone with a camera — I wanted to be a real photographer. Well this past Monday and Tuesday was Put up or shut up. I was hired as a Photographer for over 70 Real Estate Agents, Land Planners, Office Personel and Marketing Agents. It was my first REAL professional assignment. (Before just shooting weddings for free or very little fee just to get the experience …) And because of the two of you…. a dream came true. For several nights before this shooting assignment I was flogged with fear and what if’s. I constantly prayed and then once again went back to all my tutorials. I absolutely cannot tell you how thankful I am that I found, by accident or hand of God, the No B’s Website. As a very proud Member and devoted and grateful student — I thank you. Monday and Tuesday I was no longer a Wanna Be — I was a photographer. And with the tutorials on lighting and the “magic” of Hodgysoft (grin) These managers and agents have so far sung nothing but praise for my work. I still have a Long ways to go to meet the standard I wish to achieve. There is still MUCH to learn and tweak. But I know I’ll get there. I just Had to tell you — I really did it ! Rob and James —- Thank you Thank you ( I honestly couldn’t have done this without you.) Louise Franklin , No B’s Member”
“Rob & James – thanks again for all the great stuff in the forum. I can’t believe I have access to all this incredible learning. It would have taken me years to find or discover all what you guys teach (if at all). I can say that I have confidence I will be able to separate myself from the average Joe down here in Chicago after hanging out in the NoBS Forum. I just had to print out the Digital Guide on our Canon color laser and have the guys in bindery putting a cover on it as I write this. The guide not only teaches me how to use PS2, but what to really do with it as a professional. I’ll will use it as a training guide for my helper.
What is so cool about what I am learning at NoBS is the removal of ignorance that is being spread around the digital community. How many times do we hear that X amount of mega-pixels = X amount of enlargement? I was told that a 2 MP camera could “safely” have enlargements done up to 5X7. Wow. Really? That big? Gosh! My avatar pic was with an Olympus Camedia C-400 (2.3 MP). It isn’t the best pic around I know but it was special because my daughter and I were at one of our favorite places, Sharkey’s in Venice, FL. Any who, given what NoBS has taught me, I know I can clean that pic up, make it “right” and probably go past an 8X10 if need be. I know it will be one of the first photos my future customers will see when the walk into my studio. And it will prove the point about that you don’t need 12 MP to have decent photos.
Again, thanks for all the great products and over delivering. As you both know, the forum has over $1,000.00 worth of downloads for just the price of entry.” Rob Oresteen
“Rob and James, Having been NoBS members for only six months, I was so excited to get to meet you face to face and to tell you how AWESOME your NoBS Photo Success website is and how wonderful all the members are! Everyone is so quick and happy to help you with whatever problem or dilemma you may have.
So, what is the upside to leaving WPPI? The answer: NoBS, of course. Being members of NoBS is like getting to take WPPI home with you, only better! It’s open 24/7! If I am having a problem at midnight, I can go to NoBS and launch a search of the forums. Within minutes, I have usually found an answer! It’s amazing. If not, I can post a question or send a private message and have an answer or suggestion usually in a few hours. And all the tutorials—it’s like having Master Classes at your fingertips! I can’t go back to WPPI for another year and then, it will cost $$$$. Membership in NoBS is a rare bargain these days for any photographer at any level. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! NoBS is an invaluable resource for us! Teresa Sartore, Sartore Photography P.S. You guys are so funny! We love reading all your crazy stuff and the photos are always stunning! Thank You!”
“Rob & Hodgy, My name is Brian Little and I am a longtime member of your NOBS forum, screen name “brian”. I felt the need to e-mail you and let you two know how you have helped change my life. Two and a half years ago I had been in sales for over 8 years, selling John Deere tractors mostly. I was suddenly let go from my job in a downsizing effort and was forced to go work for another sales company and was no longer enjoying my job with the new supervision (and pay decrease). Needless to say it made me wonder what I wanted to do with my life. I had always had a “more than a hobby-ish” love for photography and some friends and family said I might have the eye for it – I however knew basically nothing about the ins and outs of photography. I didn’t know an f-stop from an f-bomb. I needed help. My wonderful wife bought me a book for Christmas on the basics of Photography and encouraged me to learn more. Naturally I went to the web. I had an idea of the style I liked and wanted to produce so I started looking for inspiration and guidance. Low and behold I came accross the NOBS site. What a revalation! It was exactly what I was looking for! The style, the info, the sharing! I couldn’t believe what you two were offering-it was just what I was looking for. Needless to say I bought the Big Kahuna even though money was tight. I still didn’t have an SLR or any lights but I knew I was on the right track. I sold my motorcross bike and motorcycle (that was tough) and bought a 20D and a basic lighting kit. I started shooting any family member that would pose for me. I was relentless. I changed jobs even though the hours were worse so I could have more free time to work on photography. It was all I could think about. A year ago in August we opened for business. We wanted to start slowly-work a few jobs as I continued to work full time 45-50 hours a week at another job to support my family and my desire to operate my own business. I was working close to 80 hours a week. A little over a month ago I left the other full time job to dedicate my time solely to my Photography business. As I write this I have had shoots everyday 7-days a week for the past 4 weeks. My style is becoming known in my area as very different-I have done over 50 seniors this year averaging $600 per senior along with weddings and kids/families. I am doing what I love and getting paid for it! It almost doesn’t feel right. Almost… Anyway…I’m sorry this is so long, I just want you both to know the whole story and that I owe an enormous chunk of my success to you two and the great members of the NOBS forum. I hope all the members realize that if this is what you love and you are always willing to learn-anything is possible. Rob & Hodgy Thank you. You have literally changed my life. Thanks for making a difference. Sincerely, Brian Little B&D Photography p.s. I will see you in Niagra on Sunday. Looking forward to learning more. -B”
“Hi Rob, Just wanted to drop you and Hodgy a quick email to let you both know what a great time my husband had at “The Inferno at The Falls”. My husband’s name is Brian, I believe he said you called him the motorcycle guy! Anyway he got home about 11:30 last Wed. and he talked nonstop until I finally had to ask him to stop around 1am since I am still a working girl and had to get up early. By time I got home on Thursday, it was the same thing: listen to this, look at this picture or website, let’s try this or do this. He is so pumped up about taking the next step to make our business even more successful. He made a ton of great contacts and came home with so much information that we are still trying to sift through it. One the best things though was the print competition. Brian always questions whether or not his work is good – even though everyone tells him it is great! Then he placed third out of 100 prints and being voted by his peers… that did more for his confidence level than words can explain. I just wanted to say Thanks so much for helping Brian see his own potential. We are looking forward to meeting you guys again – maybe next time I can come! JJJ Dee Little”
“Hello, James: I wanted to email you and tell you what an awesome joy it is to be part of your forum. I can not begin to tell you how much I’ve learned in the little bit of time that I’ve been a member. I come from several professional forms, and NOT CHEAP, either. I admit, when I first came to NoBs, I thought it was a little cheesy, however, I decided that I’m constantly looking for places to learn, and well, signed up. The more a perused, the more I fell in love with the GREAT WEALTH of information that is available. I can not get over how many video tutorials there are, from FACIAL ANALYSIS, to shooting in THEATRE’s (Rob….). Also, one thing that’s been bugging me is loop lighting and Rembrandt lighting….. All of the other sites have made it quite confusing, but, the Ultimate Lighting DVD section, in your forum, explained it VERY WELL!!!! Awesome, awesome …. On particular professional forum I’ve been a member of for about 2 years, which I also like, but, haven’t been there too offten, since I’ve been a member of your forum. I like the layout …. The fact it’s easy to navigate. I like the colors …. Easy to identify what threads have been read. Easy on the eyes. I like the content …. What a resource for training videos. I’d have to say the MOST informative one is the FACIAL ANALYSIS. I like the down to earth approach …. You guys don’t screw around with your videos, yet, you make them interesting, and you LEARN from them. I like the “who” it’s geared for …. If you are PRO OR beginning, there’s something here for EVERYBODY I like the actions …. You’ve got quite a few actions … NICE. Easy to find…. People willing to share their TEMPLATES Overall, excellent. Timothy King Recollection Photography”
“As with anything, the question is, “is it worth it to you?”. They have a trial membership. Join and lurk around a bit and see for yourself. I’ve been a member for years and I have to say that it is indeed worth the roughly $100.00 a year to me. I forgot exactly how much it is, but I ‘m paying roughly $240.00 a year to be a member here. This forum has a very different feel to it than any other pro forum that I am a member of. Feels more like family around here. Also there is a lot more content here for the money, particularly for the folks just getting started. I belong to three pro boards, and for now will stay with each of them because they are each a different resource. But I followed James over here back at the start, and this place feels more like home to me. It’s like friends sitting around the pub helping each other and sharing in a common interest. The help isn’t conditional, and you’re not made to feel small because you have a question that to “some” may seem pretty basic. On some of the boards, the self declared upper crust wont even answer a posted question of someone new. Other boards have a special section where the “New” people should post their basic questions before moving to the main forum area.Again, it’s a matter of what works for you, and your perceived value. If I could only belong to one “COMMUNITY”, it would be this one. But that’s just me, YMMV ~Larry~”
“Rob, James,I reached a milestone in my business today and felt I had to share it with you. I hit $100,000 in sales today. I had my first client almost exactly one year ago, on November 30th.I owe you guys a huge part of my success. I absolutely could not have done this without NoBS. This has pretty much been my entire photographic education. The sharing and generosity on this forum are beyond incredible. So, once again I want to thank the two of you; for the forum, the Inferno, the free year of membership, and of course, for the inspiration. Judy”
“Hey James and Rob, I know that I have said this to you before, but I wanted to write you a quick note so I could officially tell you how much I have loved being a member of NoBS. I happened upon your site about a year and a half ago when I was searching for some photoshop info, and I immediately loved your NoBS attitude – it was exactly what I was looking for.
Back then I was ‘dipping my toe in the water’ to test out the whole going professional thing. I had always loved photography, but I had no formal training in it. I live in a rural area as well, so it’s not like I could simply enroll in any programs either. Simply put, a year and a half later I am almost doubling what I used to make doing contract social work. My 2007 wedding season is now almost fully booked already, and my photography knowledge and skill has improved ten fold. I simply cannot believe that I went from amateur to one of the most sought after professionals in the province in such a short time. Yes, I worked my a$$ off, but I simply would not be where I am today without NoBS. The members are amazing – a true community of people of all skill levels, but all with the enthusiasm and love of the art of photography that is contagious! Willingness to share ideas, insight, products, and knowledge is unsurpassed in my experience. The tutorials are second to none, and the actions have been a standard part of my workflow since day one.
What it comes down to is that I just wanted to say ‘thanks!’ This forum has truly made my dreams of success as a professional photographer a reality Suzanne O’Brien, 1000 Words Photography”
“NoBS is by far the best photography forum of which I have been privieleged to participate. Rob & James have put together an excellent place to communicate with other photographers, no matter what your level of expertise. The talent of the membership is outstanding, but talent alone does not make a succesful forum. “So what does?” you ask.The openess and willingness to share ideas and techniques. If you are not a part of NoBS, you just don’t know what you’re missing. ‘Nuff said….” Randy, Visualxpressions
“Because of what I’ve learned from you guys I have felt confident about a substantial price increase and it hasn’t slowed things down a bit. Alicia and I will exceed 60 grand in our 2nd full year and no reason not to think about 6 figures next year. Best of all when you do something you love you don’t really have to go to “a job”…… Jeff & Alicia McGinthy
“Thanks for getting back to me so quick and thanks to both of you for what yu’re doing. I’ve been involved with photography a long time but only seriously in business for 2 years. Because of what I’ve learned from you guys I have felt confident about a substantial price increase and it hasn’t slowed things down a bit. Alicia and I will exceed 60 grand in our 2nd full year and no reason not to think about 6 figures next year. Best of all when you do something you love you don’t really have to go to “a job”. I’ve gone completely digital. I’m selling my film equipment on e-bay. I almost feel guilty but there are a few who think they’ll remain pure by sticking with film. There is nothing holy about being broke. I do have one wedding client next week that wants film. She says digital is to crisp looking whatever that means. Don’t look real. We’ll do our very best and then it’s no more film for us. God Bless,…” Jeff McGinthy
“James, thanks for getting back in touch. I was talking with another photographer today…Charlie Bryant from Aliston…who was at the show. He said he was totally blown away by what you two presented last night. He said his head was spinning with ideas and he actually had trouble getting to sleep. Kind of nice to know you can have THAT kind of effect on people, eh? Speaking of effect on people, I almost lost it watching the two slide shows on the CD…what are you trying to do to people, make them buy on emotion? Well, it works…great images too!” Mark Hamilton
“Rob and James, Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you!!! I met these guy at PPOC and they are great. They are down to earth guys, and very approachable. Being a new comer to the business you become over-welhmed with all the latest product that make big promises. With a limited budget and a list of things to get (equipment wise) I wasn’t even going to stop and listen to their 5 min sales pitch. I thought what if they ask me something to technical and then they go on how you should be doing it this way…blah blah. So once I admitted I knew nothing about actions ..etc. and that I needed a “keep it simple stupid” program. James informed me that if I wasn’t happy they’d guarteed my money back. So how could a girl go wrong! Let me tell you, this is the best investment I’ve made to date. They give you all the info.and sign up for their forum which is a continous source of knowledge ( but you’ll find you can lose hours on this thing and still won’t want to leave! ) Your actions are great and very simple to use (ps. they’re addicting). Thanks to Rob & James – I feel like I’m back in the game. Your ablity to teach and your openess to share truly sets you apart from the rest… you guys are ray of hope to making our industry better and stronger. Thanks for your down to earth attitude and you readiness to help … you are amazing. Best wishes in all your adventures and success!!! ” Donnica Davis Studio Donnica Photography Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, Canada
“After seeing you guys at Custom Colour I knew that the Professional Photographers of Buffalo Niagara needed someone for their TEP (Talent Exchange Program), I suggested you guys. As it turned out by all accounts by everyone who was present that this was one one the best TEP’s that we have had in years. I bought your tapes and they have helped in a lot of ways, like calibrating your light meter to get a good exposure. I also love your actions and have used them on many of my display prints and weddings. Rob is also great if you have a question, about digital photography, he usually gets back to you that same day, if you email him . How many people do that? I have just forwarded their web site to some of my St Lucia students and hope that they will get in touch, to see how they can make use of these two talented photography friends. Thanks again for your help…” Charles Vandersluys CPP Master Photog., Cr. -Baldini & Vandersluys Photographers Niagara Falls Ontario
“Fellas, Thank you for such an inspiring product. It took a few weeks to actually make the decision to purchase the NoBS Digital Bootcamp kit. Why? Actually, since I was already shooting digital and ‘thought’ I knew enough to continue with the usual learning curve, I didn’t think it would benefit me. Since you guaranteed your product with a full refund, I took the plunge. Looking back, I didn’t actually purchase the Bootcamp kit – I INVESTED in it! Your product is educational, inspiring and most importantly beneficial to my business. You guys have changed the way I present my wedding photography, portraits and my events. People see the layouts and seem to be compelled to purchase much more than they did before. I’m selling BIGGER prints and making more profit. People are buying scenes instead of one photo out of a particular scene. Basically, it is giving my customer base a wider selection that isn’t available in my local area. I can ramble on for hours. However, I will just extend my thanks to you. Thanks for opening my eyes to the possibilities of Digital Photography. Warm wishes,…” E. Kenneth Cox, Jr. Photographer Candid Imagery –
“I was lost in my computer , could not find my files, did not know the meaning of ” back-up’s” or ” actions”…until I found you guys. Thanks for giving me that extra “kick in the butt” ( it’s not called bootcamp for nothing) to push myself to organization skills I never knew I had. Your actions are “Hot” just like you guys….and you helped me work faster and understand the meaning of time management. Thanks for giving a “Mamiya RZ shooter” the motivation to operate a now fully digital portrait studio…I love you guys.” Julie Robichaud, Ottawa , Ontario , Canada
“James & Rob, Thanks once again for your help, support and education. We use your actions all the time. They are logically designed, effective, and easy to use. Our images are better on a daily basis because of your course and your action set. Thanks!! David West, West Photo, Richmond Hill , Ontario
“Hello Robert, your material arrived two days ago so I sat down last night at 7pm to watch the videos. My wife was out at a girlfriends house so I had the house to myself. I am normally in bed between 9 and 10pm but to my wife’s amazement when she came in at 12:45am I was sitting reading the marketing book after watching four of the bootcamp videos. She couldn’t believe it. Your videos on photoshop are packed with tips and ideas so my thanks to you and Jimbo. When I started shooting digitally two years ago I bought ten photoshop 6 CD’s from the Mac Academy and I swear that after viewing them over and over I just fall asleep listening to the female instructor droning on and on, going off in tangents, getting more complicated by the minute and using examples which you cannot see yourself using in photography because you can’t relate to it. You really cut through the chaff and get right into the meat and I couldn’t wait to start each video to find more juicy titbits ……… Best wishes and good shooting. ” Ernest McCreight Visual Impact Photography
“You guys are awesome!! Digital Bootcamp was a great buy and the seminar at WhiteHaven Grand Island, worth the trip. I am in knee deep and loving it. The portrait work you and Rob showed are testament to the quality of JPEG capture and output capabilities. That was what I needed to hear and see. The CD of actions have been the BEST resource for me as I am just a virgin when it comes to the complex, endless Photoshop capabilities. I feel like Im one up (or at least in the game) now that I can takepart in creative options. I have recently put together my first photo collage (something I have been dying to do/have/show/make/sell) and your recent newsletter was great as your instructions/diagrams are easy to follow. I agree that once I get the “workflow” of 500 wedding images under control, I too, will be feeling the freedom you speak of. I think the clarity I get from my digital images and the radical color is such an improvement from my 35mm SLRs I have been working with, alone is encouraging. Take care and keep the education coming……..I sincerely appreciate the freestyle you use and share.” Best of everything, Suzette “I have been using Photoshop for many years, I have been to week long workshops and many seminars, I learned more today than all of them put together (except for my first workshop-when I knew nothing at all). This was worth spending my day-I learned a lot and I enjoyed it.” Jay E. Terkel Jay E. Terkel Photography Corfu , New York “P.S. Have you ever been asked to speak at the PPSNYS summer workshop? I would take your class!”
“Very inspiring!! You took the fear out of digital photography. It’s nice to learn the practical approach from people who are actually using the techniques successfully in their own business. You also have an excellent teaching approach. I learned a lot, and would recommend the course to anyone thining about getting into digital photography.” Lori Fox Rossi
“Excellent presentation from experts who practise what they preach. If you’re deciding between emulsion and digital, remember Columbus sailed from a flat world to a round world in one trip. A very enjoyable day.” Robert Nowell Photographer
“I must say to you that after listening to many speakers on digital during the last years, my wife and I where NOT impressed by digital photos. But Rob’s SIMPLE APPROACH to digital WAS WHAT WE WERE WAITTING FOR TO BE CONVINCED THAT DIGITAL WAS GOOD FOR OUR STUDIO. I must say that Rob & James’s program is down to earth and very usefull without all that showoff that we usually see in programs….” Marc Bailey
“Great seminar!! This was a good leaning experience. I appreciate receiving the useful printed information. This was not an “infomercial” like so many other “photo seminars”. Thanks for all the great info…” Bob Stauffer,
“Great job guys!! At this point much of what I do is digital,….I get great results. After seeing what you guys are getting I am’s time to dive into photoshop !! Thanks for sharing your digital photography and photoshop tutorial knowledge…” Jeff Arnold Moments In Time Photography
“Wonderful program! I fly an airbus, but was always mystified when it came to photoshop. This one day really answered a lot of questions and cleared up areas for me. Great job!” Tyler Vance, Phoenix AZ
“I’ve attended a few seminars, they haven’t been a good hit for me. My major beef was the emphasis on the digital technology and the lack of emphasis on great photography! Bottom line- we are photographers first- the rest is gravy. Your images are beautiful and your application of digital technology really works. When I look at your images I see beautiful portrait photography and in the back of my mind I realize the digital enhancement….in that order. That’s important!!” Mary Knopp Randall Photography
“This was the best one-day training course on digital and photoshop tutorials of all the one day courses I have attented. It was also the best value you receive for your money in the field of wedding photography. Highly recommended….” Lana Linetsky Photohop Editor,
“Rob and James, what a great seminar! The very best I have attended in the past year. An afternoon of information presented in an easy to understand language. Loved the total lack of upper level “tech-talk”….a lot of energy and excitement. You are obviously an awesome team that work seamlessly together. Thanks for an incredible afternoon!” Ward Robertson Robertson Photographic
“Hi guys, Once again thanks for another great seminar with lots of information. It’s kind of like watching your digital bootcamp video tapes…every time I watch them I end up learning something new that I had missed the other times I had watched the tapes. I have made a list of each subjects that is discussed on every tape so that when there is something I’m looking for, I can find my answer within a few seconds. If someone attends your seminar, I think it’s a must that they get your video tapes because you give out so much information during your seminar that I’m sure you can only remember 5 or 10 % of the day. Fortunately, if you get the video tapes you will have access to 100% of the information. Once again thanks for your help and great seminar and video tapes.” Dan Morency, Cornwall , Ont
“One year ago I was computer illiterate and proud of it….Digital photography was a neat toy…Bought the kids a Kodak point and shoot. I have been a photographer for a lot of years, I’m 53 years old and the kids called me a dinosaur. Up to a few months ago I still had a darkroom (the type that really is dark. January of this year a few colleges and my lab suggested I attend The Digital Boot Camp. I did. After the camp, watching the videos, reading the books, and getting my son and daughter to show me how to turn on the computer, I made a decision. Two days after the boot camp, I loaded the truck, drove to Henry’s and sold off everything from 35mm, 120’s, Darkroom, to donating hundreds of dollars of paper and chemistry to a local school. I purchase a Canon D60….With the advice of several causious people to take it slow and easy to make the digital transistion, I played and tested the camera all day Friday, be for a shot four business portraits and a small one location wedding on Saturday. The Boot Camp….as my wife said, was a jump start for me, instead of retirement, I now have two D60s, A heavy duty computer in the office, and I can hardly believe, a laptop . The dark room was dismantled and windows were opened, floors striped and sanded, New office desks installed, and a sterio playing. No smell, no scratchs, no sprays and retouching. Profits are up, costs are down and I seem to get more done with less fuss { does any body remember what we did on “film family Reunion Portraits” for swaping heads??? There is not doubt in my mind that the Bood Camp and especially the personal help from Rob and James after the course, I used to phone in a panic about something… I email. No more the Dinosaur. One of my competion in town has just purchased a C41 processor, I am thrilled for him. All kidding aside, The Digital Boot Camp is the best thing to happen to me in my business life. There will alwas be those to say it won’t work here, or my customers won’t go for it I have people call to may sure that I am digital, no lie…not just brides, but industrial accounts and most important new accounts. I am going on vacation in Feb,,,,,all of Feb…..what I haven’t spent on film since Jauary is paying for one of us. Rob and James, no way to express gratitude, and I do apologize for the six calls on getting my batching to work.” Jamie Whibley, ex-dinosaur, Home Gallery Studio,Orillia, Ont.
“I recently purchased The Digital Boot 2months ago and found it to be a little overwelming for me . I read the material and reviewed the tapes and was comtemplating returning the material . I later realized that I made two major mistakes .( 1. ) I tried to take in all the information at once, rather than taking one application and using it until I had it down.(2.) There is this word that I ignored and that you will hear on the tapes and see in the booklet called “patience”. Patience payed off when I did a collage for a client for a wedding, the client purchased 50 collages for the wedding party. James and Robert have a super monthly newsletter packed with tricks and tips. The support through e-mail always seems to help me when I get in a bind. Having this material is a must for film or digital users , if you want to stay ahead of the competition.You will be able to navigate through photoshop by “cutting through the fat” and using applications that are made simple with The Digital Bootcamp . You no longer have to pay a lab for color corrections or enhancements when you have the techniques that they have.” David Ryles, Pine Bluff, AR
“I actually related to you guys! I am a fine art photographer and I never wanted to go digital- I’ve been 100% digital one year ago! Thank you for sharing with me the history brush-it is going to save me a bunch of time! I thank you!” Erin Schuster Erin Andrea Photography Honeoye Falls, New York
“James and Rob: Great newsletter. You really do the job! I get more real knowledge and advice from the newsletter than subscription magazines. Thanks for the stuff on frames as I requested. I can’t wait to apply the lessons . I’ve been checking out the tapes and really like them. Your Digital Bootcamp was fantastic. Bootcamp helped me gain control over the drastic changes in work flow that was taking up too much of my time. Any photographer who is serious about digital photography needs to attend this conference to realize the fantastic potential of professional photography in both the creative and practical realm. The additional extras like the newsletters and training tapes are the icing on the cake. Keep up the energy and enthusiasm guys!” Mark Brown, Livingston, New York
Dear James and Rob; “Just a note to say I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar! I learned A LOT. Very informative. I Love information sessions that are right to the point. I can’t be bothered with all the stuff that one doesn’t use, or need to know. I also, really enjoyed the honesty, and the informal down to earth presentation. Please keep me on your e mailing/info list…. Sincerely, Kim Cartmell”
“WOW, FANTASTIC, lots of information I can use. Takes the mystery out of the digital (or confusion) maze. Very informative, lot of take-home information. Great speakers. See you at the next bootcamp. Open my eyes wider.” Wayne Crumm
“Of all the conventions I went to this one will earn me more money than any other, and I go to quite a few!” Robert Cybulski
“Dear Robert: Over the last 5 years I have tried many different ways to learn and understand more about Photoshop and its various way that can be of so much help to the digital photographer. Most of the CD’s and Tapes I have studied were much to complicated and very hard to understand. Once I saw your first tape, I just could not stop watching and learning. It was very simple to understand, even for me, a very slow learner. Your tapes are very basic and the illustrations are clear and easy to follow. All the other tapes and CD’s I have seen are for people who fully understand Photoshop. Why would I spend my time and money to be impressed by an expert that I cant follow or understand. Your approach of basic good teaching is much appreciated and I have now taken a renewed interest in this most valuable tool, Photoshop. Thank you” Bert Hoferichter, MPA