Apparently I have adhd. So I’m told and tell myself. And the articles I read online verify.
How do I know? It appears one of the biggest symptoms is procrastination.
There are as many ways procrastination rears its ugly head as there are excuses for why we are not moving forward with our hopes, dreams and goals.
Personally, I feel the biggest influence is lack of imagination and fear.
Imagination is hard. It takes discipline. And it’s a lonely journey. Only I can use this amazing force…..all by my lonely self.
But it is powerful and essential.
There are specific things you can do to avoid getting off track…. here’s a few that I personally use:
*cards. Write out lists. I like small recipe cards. I have my goals and affirmations written out
in point form. I read them every night before bed and in the morning.
*smart questions. Never quit on a situation and give in. Instead, ask compelling questions.
For instance, you may be trying to come up with some marketing solutions and you maybe hitting a dead end. External forces may be creating some serious roadblocks. Don’t quit. Ask. What can I do to create a solution?
Sometimes I take on a role model, someone I admire and ask: What would so and so do in this situation?
And wait for answers. They will come. All YOU need to do is learn to ask compelling questions. This is one of the most powerful imagination tools at your avail.
*positive imagery. On cue. Whenever a negative feeling enters you, instantly and on cue create a positive image
*love list. Ask yourself what things do you love. Get creative. Have fun. Write fast. Stir the soul.
*deadlines and discipline. I don’t know how many times I found myself in a situation and looked back thinking: “Good thing I committed to this. Because it all worked out.” There would be a project I am working on and it jus sits there. The solution, each and every time, is committing a block of time and forcing myself to sit and work at it. Each and every time I end up tapping into an immense amount of ideas, innovations, clarity….it all requires commitment. Do not wait for the muse.
Kick him in the b*lls and wake him up.
Taking control of your life is a big job.
Being scared or a whiney cry baby is reserved for those who refuse to accept they have a passionate, confident and creative life running right beside them.
All you gotta do is get off the trail you’re on and step over.
Notice I never said the word easy. Lose that word. Kick it out of your life. Easy is for children who rely on mommy to wipe their nose and butts. And flakebook.
Being able to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and ride it takes a certain mindset and willingness to move on our desires.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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