We live in interesting times…
I was workflowing yesterday and listening to a youtube presentation by Bonin Bough, a well known digital marketer.
Check it out…he sez:
*Have you ever experienced phantom phone syndrome? When you think your phone is vibrating. But it wasn’t. Messaging, it appears, is as addictive as cocaine
*What is the last thing you looked at before going to bed? Your partner or your cell phone? Everyone sez phone.
*Average age for a kid to get a cell phone? 12
*Radical transparency. Everyone can see you, what you are, what you’re up to, all the time.
*When kids go to college, the never ending, constant conversation does not stop. You know what they are doing now.
*80% of newborns have their pics up on social media within the hour
*People are lying to their friends so they can go to the bathroom ans check out Instagram
Love it. Or hate it. We can use these trends to our advantage.
I use Hootsuite for my photography business.
The key is to use social media effectively.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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