I made a complete fool of myself. Again.
And I offended my clients. Again.
Let me explain. I had yet another two year old in the studio.
When clients show up, I explain to the adults that they are not to repeat what I say, or, worse yet, INSTRUCT to their child specific things like “Okay, smile for the man.”
Nay, nay…that NEVER works. And I often have to remind them during the shoot. Some get offended. Too bad, I got a job to do.
I call myself the Zen Master of the two year old. It’s not as hard as you might think.
The key? Let go. And have faith. And know when to manipulate.
At some point during the shoot I need to start doing hands up “I’m gonna get you!!” gestures. And start after them.
Other times, I need to start jumping up and down. Or, offer to play catch with a rubber ball.
Or start sneezing really loud. Whatever it takes….that’s my motto.
Including making a complete fool of myself.
Last week, whilst doing just that, I stop, look over at the dad who was like an engineer type (and totally judging me I’m sure), and said to him non-chalantly: “Welcome to my life.”
We laughed. He got it. You gotta love and GET kids to photograph them in their authentic state. And to get natural, happy smiles….
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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