In the Fuzzy Duenkel FB group called Heavy Light, John Hartman posted some images from his recent project with his local symphony.
I was stunned at the fact that he turned this into a profit and created some of the coolest portraits I have ever seen.
So, I asked him if he’d run a webinar on this amazing idea and his experiences. And he agreed so we set the date:
He says: “In 1988 I had the chance to photograph the principal players in our local symphony. This idea, of course, wasn’t new—I got the idea from Bill McIntosh, who had done it decades before me (and in a far masterful way, I might add). “
“Besides being paid for this project (about $25k) I’ve had tens of thousands of dollars in spinoff business directly from this exhibit, which has been a permanent installation in the theater for the past seven years. Additionally, it was just plain fun to do…..”