Friends in photography,
Entitlement thinking stinks. It corrupts and ruins.
Ever see those catch tags:
“Since 1972” or similar.
As if it means something. Maybe it did at one time. But not anymore….things move too fast.
Being in business a long time does not earn you the right
to keep on getting business.
You’re in business. Earning the right to be so is a never-ending effort.
You have to prove your worth every day.
And it’s an effort worthy of all your best intentions, talents and skills.
Success is your duty, your responsibility. Take it on. It’s fun!
You might say it’s a marketing thing. I certainly believe it is.
Marketing is everything and never stops.
Entitlement is one of the most poisonous forms of thinking.
Complacency breeds stagnation. Clients clue in faster and easier than
ever before.
The solution?…..
*have goals,deep, meaningful, passionate goals….this resonates throughout your life and business
*activity…be busy with marketing, networking, showing your care….showing up is important
*caring…show you care…
*pushing…c’mon man, get your shoulders behind the wheel and push!
*growing…take on personal growth like your head is on fire….self-improvement, in it’s many forms
will percolate upwards and throughout your life
*networking…get out in your community and get some real face time with everyone.
And finally….be grateful. Gratitude is powerful.
If you want to start the great decline in your photography business, then assume
you deserve to have business.
You’ll wither and die. Entitled thinking is lazy, uninspired and childish.
Sorry to sound like a downer, but sometimes I gotta point these things out.
Now get out there. And remember, photography is like a unicycle…stop peddling, and you fall off.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
I subscribe to so many eNewsletters and “updates” that I often just hit the delete button when they arrive. Only so much time in my day.
BUT Rob I always read yours, They are always appreciated and probably the only one I read top to bottom. I think because they are specific to me as a photographer. I can get generic life and business advice anywhere. The internet is flooded with it. Those are the ones I find myself deleting without reading.
Keep it up. Just wanted to let you know.