Listen, it’s what being in business is all about, making money.
Profits. Dinero. Buckaroos. Cash. Shekkles.
You should get that clear and straight in your mind, heart and soul. And realize that making money is okay!
I see it everyday. Photographers giving away their work for free. Or super cheap. Or they shoot nothing because they are stuck in planning mode.
Agonizing over their studio “brand”. Trying to get it just right before they bust out into the market. Trying to get their images perfected.
Only one thing matters…will people buy your photography? That, my friend, is the core essence of every business.
Clients voting with their wallets.
I think many have a hard time with this for several reasons….ego being one.
Hey, if feels great to gain recognition when we create some amazing images and everyone rants and raves on about them…usually on flakebook. It’s a boost when they look at us and say…wow! amazing….! hit “like”…dopamine rush.
The truth is, they are prone to say these nice things because you gave them stuff for free. Let’s not forget that ugly truth. It’s human nature. It’s called reciprocation.
Also, because deep down inside, we have issues with asking for money, and doing all the right activities we need to do to successfully grow our photography business.
In business we need to act, move, ask for the sale….move, move, move….no delays. No procrastination. Ready Shoot Aim.
I admit I am someone who works fast. I like throwing hand grenades into the room and figure things out later.
Not for the faint of heart. If you like stability, or structure, and ‘security’, then you ought to stick with the 9 to 5 life.
But if you seriously want to be in business, then you need to act like a business person. Grow up. Grow a pair.
I know some of you have NO ISSUES with this topic. But, if you’re a reflection of the everyday mindset of most people, you do have issues. Guilt. Troubles. Emotional turmoil around making money.
I too struggled for many, many years. And do you know what I realized?
Here it is….my short list of key realizations to do with making money…
*Money is nothing more than frozen energy. We decide where to send it. Money has no conscious
*I need to make a lot of it to survive in business
*I need to have annual goals based on yearly income
*I need to plan
*Money is a tool. A good tool. I can use money for good and for a better life
*Debt is really, really bad…..especially credit card debt. Fix this one as fat as you can.
*I need to have savings. Loads of savings. Not a little. But a lot. Most don’t. I do.
*There is financial crisis without enough money. Who needs that stress?
*I no longer do unpaid work. Those who have a perpetual “under earning” mindset do. (it makes them feel good.Broke, but good. A false, short lived good)
*When I don’t have money, I find enablers. People who I feel good around. Comfort friends.
*I had false beliefs about money. I no longer do. It took a while. But I got there, (in truth, it’s a non-stop struggle. Old voices come back to haunt and try and drag me down. I am better at fighting these)
*I realize that money will not cure all my problems.
*Money is good
There’s more. But that’s enough for now. I bet many of you can relate to a few of those items.
Think prosperous thoughts….get to the money and start growing your business,
The fact is, most of us are frozen in fear.
You don’t have to be. You can make the difference in your life by feeding your mind,
your heart and soul information and education.
It’s the place to start…and then the right ideas, innovations, and courage will move into your life…..are you ready?
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
P.S. I gave a presentation called “Wealth Attraction Strategies for Photographers” (members click the link) a few years ago. It’s one of the most valuable and relevant topics.
P.P.S. Not a member and want instant access? It’s peanuts to join. Quick whenever you want, hassle free. DETAILS HERE
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