I always said that if I were a kid nowadays I’d be on some ADHD regiment.
Instead, back in the day, the teachers accused me relentlessly of being “on the moon”.
And that was that. Deal with it kiddo. Sometimes they’d make fun of me.
Whatever. What doesn’t kill me….
The other day I was heading out, and I admit this may be more information than you care to know, but yes, I was taking a leak and brushing my teeth at the same time.
Admit it, you’ve done it. We’ve all done it. All genders, all personality types. Stop judging.
It reminded me of how I like having many balls up in the air at once. Learning to deal with being on the moon has forced me to take my energy and funnel it into positive and creative productivity.
This is reflected in one of my all time favorite quotes by Napolean Hill. One that I read when I was 20 years old and to this day still resonates so much truth:
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
I love this. Times a million. Think of it this way.
I do:
NO matter what the situation, problem, task at hand…ask:
“What can I learn from this?”
“What lessons are there? What new ideas?”
And take notes. Swimming in the seas of regret or fear will lead you down a dark miserable path.
You get to choose.
For me, I feel like I am on a mission. I have goals, plans, creative projects to get on. So much to do.
So little time…
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
P.S. I like being mentored by successful photographers who are also on a mission.
Fuzzy Duenkel, Kirsten Lewis, Margaret Habieda, Argentina Leyva, Margaret Bryant, and so many more…
Members can access the complete list in my Advanced Training series HERE
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
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