Life changes when you get married. For better…or worse.
It really changes when you’ve been running a photography studio by yourself. A lone wolf. And along comes another lone wolf. And she happens to be my future bride and business partner.
An accountant with a uni degree, great prospects for work in her field and has really good taste. (she did agree to marry me after all).
I had a successful photography business. Single, house, car, Fender strat and a ton of ambition and possibilities.
But when Tina and I agreed to tie the knot, I asked her if she wanted to keep working as an accountant or if she wanted to work together running the photography studio. It was a very casual, spur of the moment question I asked while we were driving somewhere.
Some of the best conversations and agreements happen while driving somewhere.
The speed with which she responded was likely one of the shortest measures of time. Like, a nano second.
“Studio” she responded.
Ok, I thought. That was fast. There was no delay, talk, perusing or struggle. Maybe it was something she thought about and hoped I would ask.
Whatever. The fact is, she quit her position as a senior accountant and part time professor at a local college and we hit the ground running.
As a team. Haven’t looked back since. Best decision ever.
Here’s the 3 things I ramped up in the last twenty five years married to her:
- Studio Decor. Nothing like a woman’s touch to brighten things up.
- Selling & Marketing. Since she quit her “real” job, and we got pregnant right away, the accountability factor and sense of responsibility came bearing down. I welcomed this, because thankfully I knew, and still know, that selling and and marketing is the key to a successful photography business.
- Time Management. When things get serious time takes on a new meaning. To me, every day, every week, every minute counts. Goals, schedules, plans and taking my time serious took me to a whole new level.
Yes, twenty fives years. Time flies. And it’s been an adventure. The studio is still buzzing right along.
One of the areas that we evolved into is our Pop Up Wedding business.
Many ask: “What’s a pop up wedding?” Read it here at our pinkdoorweddings website.
To me, this new adventure is nothing more than an extension and evolution of our wedding business. It reflects the popular trend of smaller, more intimate and economical pop up weddings popular with millennials and many second marriages.
This month, February 2020, I will have the studio boss Tina on with me on a marketing mastermind. We’ll be chatting about our pop up wedding adventures, the strategies, the challenges and the future. And answering your questions.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
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