I hear it all the time. “SEO doesn’t work anymore. It used to work when Friends was on TV back in the day, but not anymore.”
A bigger lie has never been uttered. I know it’s a lie, I seen it in my photography business.
And so has Scott Crosby, and his SEO students (He teaches an online SEO class for photographers and is fast becoming the dominant leader on this topic).
I’ve been playing the SEO game for a long time. So has Scott. And he has more knowledge in his right pinky than I have in my entire pea brain.
The thing is, this works. Still. Very much so.
Join us tomorrow night, Tue, Feb 6, 2018 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST Scott will be presenting a strategy overview on SEO strategies for photographers.
This is an overview, since his entire course is much more in-depth.
However, the fact is, these strategies are relevant for anyone wants to dominate the SEO game in their area.
Some topics:
*Dominate your local search results
*Make Google love you!
*95% of your competition is not paying attention or is clueless when it comes to seo *Educate google all about your business
This is a must attend for the serious student of photography marketing.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer