Friends in photography,
Last month we had a new marketing promotion. Something I sorta swiped and made up.
It was a family by the falls portrait day. Mini sesh, by the falls (duh),
and an 8″x10″. We sold out the whole day much to my surprise.
Coulda, shoulda added an extra day? Who knows. Next year we’ll discuss that idea, since
we’ll likely be running it again.
Now that we have some traction, some history, some success.
Luv me some success. Nothing like it. It tends to breed more success.
Like rabbits. Success can work that way. To have some you gotta get some.
After the whole day was done, and every single order was ordered, my ninja wife
sat down with me and we looked at the numbers. The math.
The money math.
I always liked money math. And was always fairly good at it.
The other math, you know, with X’s and weird egyptian hieroglyphs, not so much.
But money math is the like the score board at a sporting event.
It tells you where you are at. Very important.
Last week, and this weekend coming up, we have two fairy day events. Both booked out.
Both will be scrutinized. The numbers never lie.
I do. I’m human. I like to BS, brag it up. You’re a photographer.
You know what I mean.
Tina also hands me every month an income and expense statement. Every month.
It keeps me honest, real and focused. So I don’t BS anyone, or worse yet, myself.
Running the numbers is an essential part of running a business. So is having
goals, plans, wishes and aspirations.
The two work together, even though they seem to be from opposite worlds.
Having goals, I’d argue, is more important than running the numbers. Even though the numbers is a far more logical and precise thing.
Having goals, passions, ideas and such creates sales, innovations, energy and success.
It’s what gets you bouncing out of bed in the morning.
Looking at the income expense sheet is not an end in itself.
It’s, again, the scorecard.
It tells you with accuracy and precision how your goals and dreams panned out.
AND, it can also warn you if they’re are cracks in the armor.
But you gotta know, and read your numbers. Even if you are a small,
itty bitty tiny operation.
Treat it like it’s a screaming success even if you’re just starting out.
Do the math. It’s a good practice.
Last month in our monthly marketing mastermind I showed members the details on our promotions, including the fairy days.
This month I’ll touch on it some more. And I’ll touch on other promotions I have going on.
Including yours if you have anything to discuss. It’s what a mastermind is all about.
You can access those in the forum.
And you can attend the next lighting or marketing meeting. Just look on the top
section of the forum where all the latest news, announcements and links get posted.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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