It’s easy to lose focus. Our equipment, our personal ideas about how things ought to be done, our personal neurotic messed up voices constantly telling us what to do…good and bad.
All, or part, of it can get in the way of our clarity and intention.
And clarity and intention is what we need most for each and every job we photograph.
Not so much….“Do I have the right camera, or lights, or computer……”
But intention, clarity and focus on bringing the very best we got to every aspect of our photography business.
To every session. To everything.
Here’s some crappy (depending on how you look at it that is) news: It doesn’t get any better over time.
Doesn’t get any easier.
Sure, your skills improve, depending on which ones you decide to hone in on and focus on….lighting, posing, communicating, selling, innovating…etc etc…
But destiny alas decides it doesn’t get that much easier.
You always need to be on your toes, so to speak. And never, ever, ever take anything for granted.
Bring the best you got to every session, every aspect of your photography business,
every marketing idea, every client….
Don’t get caught.
If you think your clients will love you next year as much as they did last, you could be fooling yourself, if you assume it.
For me, for us, this means:
*be grateful (quit complaining, say thanks, and get off facebook)
*be better… always push your basic skills to be better
*work your marketing. Newsletters (home delivered), offers, selling, networking, affiliation marketing…work it, work it, work it
*Goals… of the HARDEST things to do in life is to come up with a five year vision and one year goals.
The simple act of tackling these areas (especially the goals one) will put you in a category of few.
The minority who tune out the inner dialogue of shame and excuses, the outer dialogue of criticism and blame….and push forth anyhow.
But this all starts with clarity and intention.
You won’t find that from your mom. In the coffee shop surrounded by comfort friends. Or on facebook.
It’s an inside job.
Take it on and run with it.
I can always tell where a person will be in the next year based on where they’ve been in the last year.
It’s simple really.
And I assess a person, or their intentions, goals, ideology not based on what they say.
But what they do.
Action, my friend, speaks much louder than words.
Go forth, and put action to your intentions, and watch how clarity sets in.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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