A Place to Grow
I love Mondays.
I always have. Go figure….
Except when I drank heavily, since Mondays I was still suffering from a hard weekend of shooting (photos), partying, smoking and drinking.
But those days are long gone. Now I love Mondays. I must be doing something right.
I feel exhilarated, refreshed and ready to take on another productive week. Doing my own thing, feeling free and alive. Ain’t nothing like it and worth every effort to get there and get my own photography studio going.
I believe this puts me in the minority. Being self-employed also places me in the minority.
It seems there is a lot of ill feelings about Mondays. Wise cracks, bumper stickers and a general malaise.
Most folks dread going back to work for another week of drudgery. Go figure.
Of course with the gain comes the pain of uncertainty. As if there is in fact any certainty in life.
I know I’d rather be the captain of my own ship. Even if I am occasionally sailing through troubled waters.
I don’t think we evolved to hate Mondays. Days of the week are an abstract idea created to measure time.
Like I said, I feel energized.
I bounce out of bed eager to get back to the studio. If you don’t feel jazzed and eager to create in business, in art, in marketing and in photography, maybe you’re not doing something right.
There’s no day of the week that’s designed to be filled with hate. Makes no sense to me.
The key, the secret is to have a purpose, a vision, something you really believe in. Something that reflects your innermost passion and love.
You will be criticized and shamed. The worst critic of all will be the inner voice that tries to shoot you down. Second to that is your closest “allies”….friends and family.
Many, many will be envious. And they won’t even realize what they’re up to.
But you know what’s going on. The solution, the actions you need to take are simple.
Yet they require some self-discipline. Discipline to create your very own reality, and shut out the naysayers from within and from without.
I’m up for the challenge.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”