They wanted mission impossible…all their menu items photographed. Shoot it in an hour, and shoot it for cheap.
Now, these folks had the funds, they had a high quality, very respected restaurant. All they needed was convincing and a plan.
This my friend is part of the sales process. Come up with a strategy, pitch it, and get em to sign on the line.
Light it, shoot it, workflow and deliver.
Running a profitable photography studio involves these tactics moreso than the actual lighting, shooting and ultimate creation of the images. But lighting is important too!
Chatting with the owners, back and forth, we created a strategy. I pitched ideas, concepts, looking to feel them out and see where they were at. Most folks don’t even know where they are at. It appears it’s part of our job, as photographers, to not only deliver the goods, but also get into their heads and own them.
One of the first things I mentioned was if they were in a big city, with a legit food photographer, food designers, assistants etc etc the bill would be around twenty grand. Or so. Mas o menos, as they say in Costa Rica.
But never mind that. I can shoot it, shoot it fast, create images almost as good, and I did.
In the mastermind lighting presentation, tonight, March 30th, 9:00PM EST, I will going through the details and all the nuances I used to shoot the entire menu selection for one of Tamarindo’s finest restaurants.
That, plus other exciting lighting scenarios on the beaches and in the farms of Costa Rica where I spent the last ten weeks. It’s all about lighting and the challenges faced by all photographers.
That, and more.
The lighting mastermind presentation I run with the noBsphotosuccess members is designed to dig into the many facets of lighting, and running a photography studio that shoots families, children, seniors, commercial, publicity, scenics, on and on.
We’re not only business folk. We’re “painters”, using light as our paint.
Members, join me tonight. Login and register in the forum.
Not a member? Join us and access hundreds and hundreds of high quality presentations like this and much, much more.
Yours in photography and in success,
Robert Provencher
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