Easy is a dead end.
The norm, the BIG attraction is the easy road. The fastest, easiest and less painful method.
Sure, we can and should work smart.
But in reality, when things are easy, it can and will cause you pain.
There’s a trend in the way we raise our kids these days. We want to make sure the child doesn’t suffer too much. No pain.
Sure, some pain. An “acceptable” amount. And it kills us to see them in any pain, even small “acceptable” amounts.
We’ve become a society of pansie-assed, soft spined weaklings.
You’re robbing them.
But your business won’t turn out okay. Not at all….
There is no wiggle room when it comes to running a business. There are no exceptions.
The market place has no feelings. The playing field is level and the weak are quickly devoured and sent home running to mommy to kiss the booboo.
Kids, when you make it easy for them you rob them of life’s lessons.
Business…easy sets the pace. In a destructive way. And you think, “gee, that was easy. I must be so good at business and photography, everything just falls into place.”
What happens when things get, uh uh, gulp, hard? Because they will. I guarantee it.
Ask anyone who’s been in business for ten years or more.
Here’s a few tips:
- It’s through struggle that we learn innovation, creativity.
- We build a sense of adventure. Self esteem. Confidence. Gratitude and appreciation
- Awareness.
- Winning a big lottery is not strategy. (Research shows that the vast majority of lottery winners end up right back where they were. Broke. And often worse off for winning.)
- It’s through pain and struggle that we build character.
- Never pursue “things” through your business. Don’t go for the money and success because of what it will give you. Do it for who you will become.
- Every time you stub your toe along the way and feel the pain of failure, don’t let it get you down. This is very, very important. Always learn from your “failures”. They aren’t failures in reality. They are tuition fees. Keep moving.
- Watch your ego. Keep it in check. Don’t let it fool you into believing it’s as easy as you thought. Keep an open mind and a grateful heart when it does appear easy.
- Plan well and visualize the outcomes you desire. This is an inside job, not something you get from your peers, a class or the “gurus”. Own it. Master it. Make it yours.
- Big budgets are dangerous. Unless you really know what you’re doing. Money is like a narcotic. We think, and delude ourselves into believing that we can spend our way to success….cameras, lights, locations, ads or expensive marketing systems from the gurus.
Guru’s make it sound easy too. Beware the guru who makes it sound easy.
Beware the inner voice in YOU that likes what they say when they make it sound easy.
Blueprints are cool. I love them and use them all the time. They save some time. But they do not make anything easy.
Easy is an illusion.
I know, I know. I sound the debbie downer. But it’s reality.
And when you’re realistic, and sensible and are willing to grow your photography business over time, not over night, and grow it one brick at a time, your success, through the tough lessons learned, AND applied, will serve you well.
Easy? Not.
Possible. YES!
Some of the wisest words I ever read were from Napoleon Hill:
“Each and every adversity has within it the seeds of equal or greater opportunity.”
The seeds of greatness are in you and in you alone. The greatest asset you have is your conviction to keep moving, keep learning. And to keep growing.
No matter how much it hurts.
Pain is your friend-embrace it-….easy is your enemy.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer
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