Friends in photography,
Have you noticed how many photographers are coming out of the closet and eager to sell you their marketing program?
The way I figure it, if it’s so good, why are they selling it? Me, I like following people who are in the trenches fighting the good fight.
Listen, I know what’s going on in my area. Business is down, way down. I’m sure many are suffering, some quitting and others hanging on the edge with bleeding nails, hurting fingers ready to let go.
The fact is, this is no fun for anyone. This is not going be be an easy road. It certainly isn’t for us.
But we’re hanging on. In fact, our photography business has been going crazy this summer. Life is good.
My plan: stay focused. Don’t despair. Be grateful.
One of my favorite photographers, John Ratchford, also has a plan.
I’ve had John in on two mastermind meetings with me. I’ll never forget the first time. He said something that shocked me:
“In our town, the unemployement rate is as high as 45%..”
I then asked him: “How do you run a photography business in a town with a 45% unemployement rate?
I’ll never forget his answer: “Easy, I focus on the other 55%”
Tuesday, Sept 8th I invited John to talk marketing. This is for members. Replay, as usual, will be available.
Having the right mindset, attitude, success and marketing strategies is key in todays’ crazy times. You want to learn from guys like John. He’s in the trenches, day to day, toe to tow with real clients.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
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So funny and timely Rob. It reminds me to my second workshop week with Bruce Hudson.
Bruce did a program at a PPOC convention here in Ottawa almost a million years ago. I was so amazed by his photography and his marketing that I signed up for his studio/photography/sales/marketing week long workshop in Seattle Washington. (Oh for you young people a “workshop” is like Youtube but they use real people and you can ask questions)
Anyhoot (as you would say) I learned so much my head was swimming with his brilliant ideas. My photography and success took off incredibly.
About 8 years go by and I was struggling, and disenchanted. So I returned to Bruce Hudson’s studio/photography/sales/marketing week long workshop in Seattle Washington for a second time. At first I was disappointed to see he was doing the same thing, nothing new. He hadn’t “progressed” like I had. He didn’t jump on the bandwagon with the latest trends or followed new gurus like I had.
Nope, he stuck to the same tried and true ideas, never wavering from what worked so well. He was still thrilling clients and making huge sales.
Rob your blog today was on the money (Oh for you young people “money” is like Bitcoin but you can hold it in your hands, fold it and it jingles in your pocket) I see so many pop up ads offering courses to make you a successful professional photographer that it now makes me laugh.
Keep it up Rob.
thanks….I never say anyhoot…. always anyhoo…
anyhoo,…appreciate the feedback.
Our fairy events and pop up wedding are in a sense an evolution and progression from kids portraits and weddings. same product, whole new package…works. like gangbusters…R
No it’s “Anyhoot.” It is very common for people from the Sudbury area to add a T sound after an oo sound.
Subtle but it’s there.
Like people in New Jersey saying “Youts” when they mean “Youths”
Or like Newfoundlanders saying “By” when they are trying to say “Boy”.
Or photographers on the west coast referring to themselves as “fur-tograhers”