Morgan calls me on my BS…sorta:
“Hi Rob, I love your emails that you send out, but I don’t know how you find time to write them and engage with the public. Just imagine if you spent all that time on your business instead of helping the rest of us!!
In any case, thanks again … I thoroughly enjoy getting them.
On a side note, do you have an archive or blog somewhere where we can go and read your “old” emails?
I’m sure there are plenty of nuggets in your stash if this is the case 🙂 Kind regards, Morgan”
My reply:
“Thanks Morgan, great question. Calling me on what might be my own BS…
Here’s my answer…..when I was super busy in my studio, not so many years back,
I shot about 700+ sessions a year, plus weddings.
And I was at my most productive.
And, I wrote the most. Manuals, posing guides, articles, plus a published book (no longer available) called:
“Exposed: The uncensored truth behind running a profitable photography studio”
It’s like the old saying: “Want something to get done? Ask a busy person.”
Besides, I like writing. Always seemed to have an affinity for it. It comes easy. I read a lot, research, and do many webinars.
The ideas flow. I write them down. Take notes. And archive many, many ideas for future emails. Right now, in my email account, I have no less than 18 emails ready to tap and send.
I don’t watch TeeVee. I try hard to avoid Flakebook and other time and soul sucking activities.
I have regular meetings with my wife and studio business partner/ manager. This is important.
We strategize, implement and plan.
This point is valid, and don’t think I haven’t thought about this, often:
“Just imagine if you spent all that time on your business instead of helping the rest of us!!…”
How very true. But, here’s the thing. I have purposely slowed down my studio marketing over the years.
I don’t want, nor care to to shoot 700+ sessions a year. 100-150 is fine by me. Less is more.
I’ve considered spending more time to the studio marketing, but alas, it might just work, and I’ll be back at square one.
I’m 58 now. I can still out-run, out-shoot, out-market most half my age. Life is good. I feel like I am taking on the grizzled old master position in life. Spreading my wisdom to the younger generation. If they want it, if they listen.
And, I want to do other things as well. I motorcycle, play guitar, teach photography 101, and have some cool travel plans in the books.
Again, I like writing. It’s a creative process. Many think it’s some odd talent. It’s not. It takes practice is all. It’s easy. All you need to do is write like you talk. I’m doing that right now.
I do have an archive….and I had hundreds of high quality posts, all of which go lost only last week. Dam virus. it was all at
What I’m doing is moving the best from that now defunct site, over to a much safer, and my current site:
Expect more categories, photoshop tutorials, photography marketing articles and more…all searchable….soon.”
I like spending more time writing, helping others, coaching and overall putting out some butt-kicking useful info….
It’s what I do. And where I am at this time in my life…no bull.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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