There’s a ton of talent out there.
Musicians, comics, artists and photographers.
Most of it goes away. Much of it is inert. Never revealed, put into action and given a place. A purpose.
The way I see it, if you have a talent, you don’t really have it unless you use it.
Put it out there. Give it a voice. Use it to make a difference.
It’s useless otherwise, unless it merely hits you with a mild ego boosting dopamine hit when your mommy proudly points out how ‘talented’ you are. Or someone on Facebook likes your images.
Better yet, they make a vapious compliment.
(Never trust your mom- she loves you too much for your own good. Likewise, never really
trust flakebook comments either)
This is pervasive in the industry of photography….
mainly, weddings, babies, families…and, well, hot girls.
Hot girls are ruining the industry. You know the story. Many go out, get a new Canon Rebel,
grab a hot girl, photograph her, and voila!
Photographer! Instant portfolio of hot girliness.
It’s easy to get derailed from what really matters. From real talent. Talent that plays a legit
role in the world, and continues to serve.
And make money. Yes, turn a profit.
It ain’t a business unless it’s making money.
Unless, of course, you’re just starting out and still learning marketing, selling, and getting established in your community as the GO TO photographer. But that’s just a phase.
Meanwhile, your business cards, your fancy well made website….even your stunning images of hot girls….and all those stunning images of children in fields with mucho sun flare…..
all of it……a ruse.
A lie. It’s all meaningless and temporary.
I was chatting with a well known, well established photographer last week who tells me the average
turn around for photographers is 1.5 years. And he may be a little optimistic.
What matters most? Clients. Clients who pay, and return year after year.
Take that idea, and scale it up. Multiply it. And you got a business.
A reason and a place for your talents. Awards are meaningless. Accolades and praise
from family, friends, fiends and peers too. All meaningless.
Your cameras, lenses, computers and facebook fans and likes….all…meaningless.
Unless you put it all into action and build a business.
Now go forth ye friends and foes….and build. Keep it real.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study
profitable and successful photographers.”