Got home late last night….after 11:00PM…working in the studio, doing workflow.
My neighbor Chris, as usual, two doors down from our condo, outside having a smoke.
He’s always outside, always smoking.
He comments something about me working late, again. He disapproves. I don’t mention the obvious.
He’s used to seeing me coming home most nights,
often betwixt 10:00 and 11:00PM or later.
I tell him I’m over feeling any guilt about working long hours.
“Besides,” I say “It ain’t really work. I love what I do.”
Success is my duty.
I raz him some more… “Don’t forget, I’m saving to go to Costa Rica this winter….3 months while
you’re outside smoking in three feet of snow.”
The real reason I work extra late last night is because it’s November. We’re slammed.
That, and Costa Rica. And I love what I do. And success is my duty.
Sessions, orders, fairy days….
Not to mention the families, the executive sessions….slammed. It never rains, it pours.
I can’t stand falling behind. I strive to consistently be on time, efficient and not lose my mind.
And make maximum profits.
It’s why I created my own super fast fairy workflow.
I can peel through orders faster than a politicians promise on election day.
Time is money.
So, in the spirit of sharing and caring, I created 2 update videos showing my latest supersonic
fairy workflow…..for members.
The first part shows the details step-by-step. The other showing 5 images being workflowed,
little to no explanation, in real time.
Less than 15 minutes each.
Not a members? Access it within minutes, plus a super vault of photography business building content.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher