Freedom 55 is a load of bull…
Three years ago I turned 55. I know! I can hardly believe it myself.
I made it this far. Who’d a thunk.
Three years I also had what I now call my existential beach crisis.
It all started when I was standing in our spacious, open concept kitchen, looking across to our dining room, a “family room”, and over the other way, the official family room, complete with leather furniture. PLUS, we had a fully decked out room in the downstairs area, with a 60 inch plasma screen TeeVee, ping pong table and sauna. The whole dealeo.
I stood there, pondered: “Do we really need three living rooms? Really?”
Thus began my crisis. We sold the house, with studio, cleaned out about 90% of our possessions, and started spending more time in Costa Rica, where my beach crisis began.
I have NO regrets minimizing our possessions. It’s a cool exercise, and I’d do it again in a flash.
However, I was without a studio for about 1.5 years. That part got to me.
I realized I am what I am….a photographer. I need my studio.
So, first opportunity came up and we jumped back into a studio. Last week we completed the wall samples, lighting and furniture (I know, I know…). Signage, window dressing, new flooring, paint and such. Ready and good to go!
Feelz like I’m starting over. Luv it!
Why do I bring this up?
Two reasons….one, we can’t predict what the future is. Even with best laid retirement plans, we may get hit with something out of our control. (How many folks do you know who retired and either dropped dead or got seriously ill)
And two, why retire?
I means seriously? Who came up with that lame-ass idea?
I think retirement is for pussies and the delusional.
Stick with me on this one. I have good news.
Remember that commercial from some evil insurance company that promoted some lame idea that they called “Freedom 55”
From what?
What kind of a hellhole do you have to be in to think that some day, down the road, maybe if you’re really lucky, you can “retire” and stop doing whatever big freaking mess you created for yourself in the first place, and “break free”.
And do it by age 55….I mean c’mon…..who they trying to kid?
Here’s my deal.
I ain’t retiring. Not now, not never.
I love working. And work loves me. If you don’t love it, I have some advice….QUIT!
And do something else.
It ain’t worth the price you’re paying. I don’t care how much your paycheck and benefits are. How big your house is. How many toys you got.
It means nothing, NOTHING if you aren’t doing something that fulfills you.
And every day, most days that is, I feel fulfilled doing what I’m doing.
If I get old and feeble, and can’t work no more, hell, I’ll go down to the old age club and volunteer. Or kick some ass…..something. Do something!
But that’s a long way away for me.
You see, I feel 25. Many people are amazed at my health, my energy. Many think I’m younger. My wife wants me to grow up. Ain’t happening anytime soon….
Nope…I’m having too much fun. And loving it.
All because I’m creating, making money, growing a business…all in photography.
I feel in my heart that the biggest reason we stay in our self -made rut is simple.
It’s fear. Nothing more, nothing less.
Be honest with yourself.
On that note, tonight I am running the monthly marketing mastermind meeting for noBs photo success inner circle members.
AND, I’ll be talking marketing, showing some images from my new studio decor and we’ll answer, tackle YOUR questions.
But you gotta be a member….Here’s the link…:
The mastermind meeting is one of the most important activities you can
participate in for success, prosperity and health.
Yours in success in photography,
“hey, hippie, more beer….”
One of my first ever summer jobs was way back when I was 18 years old, slinging beer at a local tavern where hardrock miners and blue collar workers hung out.
They were a fun, tough and lively bunch. And they liked to drink. A lot.
So did I. We had that in common. But that’s where the similarities ended.
I was a fish out of water with hair to my shoulders and three inch rock and roll shoes that were popular back in the mid seventies. Think KISS.
What a sight I must have been.
And the guys, when they needed more beer, which was pretty much always, would simply yell out…”hey, hippie, more beer….”
Most of the time all I needed to do was load the tray to capacity with draft beer and get it to their table.
They were happy. So was I. I liked serving people. I made some good money.
I learned that serving people at this most basic level was humbling.
I had many part time jobs waiting in bars and restaurants since then.
I feel to this day it’s something that all younger folks should do, at least once in their lives.
It teaches us a lot.
Teaches us how to get over ourselves, and help others.
Even when they’re jerks. Which you get a healthy dose of when waiting on tables.
It toughens you up. Not for the easily hurt or offended.
The skills you acquire do come in handy when learning to sell your photography.
And selling is by far one of the BEST skills you can and need to master.
I’ve said it a million times, selling is not something you are born with.
It’s a skill. A muscle,.
It gets stronger and better with practice and use.
Hard at first, easier in time. Like anything else.
Saying you can’t sell or coping out with comments like: “She’s a born salesperson.” are just excuses.
Confidence plays a big role. And confidence is also a muscle. A skill.
I had very, very little confidence. It took me years of pain, struggle, coaching
and persistence to get some.
I seriously believe, if I can do it, anyone can.
And you don’t need beer. Just persistence and confidence in yourself.
One of my favorite sayings goes like this: “Your ability to sell is linked to your ability to not blink when you quote your price.”
In other words, don’t flinch. Be solid, grounded in the belief in yourself and your product.
Don’t flinch. Not even inside. People can pick up those vibes easy!
Growing my photography skills was way easier than growing my confidence.
But growing it was essential to mastering selling, and it helped, in turn, grow my photography.
This my friend, is an inside job.
If you want some serious butt-kicking coaching, no matter what level you’re at, and a huge amount of relevant information and strategies on selling and marketing, join me tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 9:00PM EST….
…for our monthly marketing mastermind meeting.
Members go here for registration link.
Not a member? Twenty bucks….peanuts when compared to the returns HERE.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
How to annihilate the “we don’t give digital files” argument forever
Clients were in the front reception area of our studio, settling in with my wife, as she was about to show them the results from their fairy day session.
It’s been like that all week, since we just had another successful sold out Fairy Day promotion the Saturday prior.
I could hear excitement, energy, enthusiasm.
Me like. There’s NOTHING like clients in my place who are happy.
It occurred to me this emotion is the most POWERFUL antidote to the negative energy that sometimes afflict clients.
You know, the whiney, price shopey, complaint-filled, bitter, no-show, late, haggle or try to get a great deal on FILES ONLY client. You know the type.
I overheard one client say something to the effect of: “You guys do AMAZING work..”
This, before she even saw her images.
Why did she say this?
My quick list:
*our reception area rocks. Well light, music, smells, and many high impact samples on
the walls.
*we gave her and her children an AMAZING experience during their photo shoot
*we managed all their expectations
*we have ‘market position’, AKA…branding (if you want to call it that)
When all pistons are running on these main points, you have a winning combo.
And I plan on digging deeper into this next Tuesday, May 23rd, 9:00PM when I host
our monthly marketing mastermind meeting.
For members of nobs photo success…go here.
This could be the very thing that you need to hear to point your photography business
in teh right direction.
Works for me. And many others….It’s why I am an open book with my members.
I want you, I want them to succeed.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
Award winning noodie pic of my daughter…
She was barely 1.5 years old.
Way before she developed a sense of dignity and shame.
When, as you may recall when you were young, running around with nothing on, not even a diaper, felt freer than a bird…
We were out on a Sunday family drive…and ended up hours away from home.
Stopped for a break by a cool old church in a tiny little village…
I had my camera and some black and white film.
Always shooting. I bring a camera with me always, everywhere.
I strip my babies close off and tell her to go check out the church……she runs to the huge wooden doors and tries to open them.
That was the moment I wanted. I grabbed a few exposures of the exposed little one, and eventually entered it into competition.
I titled it “Knocking on heaven’s door”.
It won a ribbon. Whoohoo…
There are two big lessons for you. One, always be shooting, even if you only bring a point and shoot camera with you.
School is never out for the pro.
It’s a good thing to constantly hone your skills.
And two, awards don’t amount to a hill of beans unless you like collecting trophies and ribbons.
Seriously. That was a “grab shot”.
Does not reflect what I create, for profit, day to day, in my photography business.
Fun, yes. Great to get recognition and feathers for my cap from my peers. Yea….all good.
But all ego based….
Sure, there is some publicity value in awards.
But it is miniscule when compared to the true power of publicity and what it can do for you and your photography business.
Publicity is the very root of branding and market position. It’s HUGE….
I created and gave an intensive presentation on this topic and created an extensive report on publicity as well.
It is yours, and so is the equivalent of the library of congress on marketing for photographers, in my marketing system I created.
I can show you how to maximize publicity for maximum profits and maximum long term growth and market position…..
The raw, uncensored naked truth to running a profitable photography business… No Bull…
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
“Everyone’s jaw dropped when Brian DeMint said this…”
Everyone’s jaw dropped.
Shawn Von Ins had just called out Brian DeMint during one of Brian’s live presentations just a few years ago.
Brian was chatting about some historical art trivia thingie.
And Shawn, being somewhat of a walking trivia ninja, corrected Brian.
Brian, without a seconds delay blurted: “Oh, kiss my *ss” to Shawn….sorta tongue in cheek-ish…
Nevertheless…Everyone’s jaw dropped..and then we all laughed.
You had to be there. It was all in good fun. But mostly it was Brian.
Sometimes, no, most times, there is little to no filter between what’s brewing in his brain and his mouth.
Good thing most of what he says is genius level good stuff.
“Yea, that was edgy. He’s doesn’t hold back, does he? But I kinda like the guy….one of my favorite speakers…” is a phrase I’d hear over and over about Brian.
Funny thing is, when Brian assesses images during the Creative Cross training events, he tends to use a tad higher level of discretion….while offering up some serious kick-butt insights into the images he evaluates.
Go figure. It works, in a paradoxical kinda way.
And Brian is back. Join us….but be warned.
Let Brian review YOUR images.
Creative Cross Training with Brian DeMint. NOTE: Open to the first 15 submissions.
May 17th, 9:00PM EST with Brian De Mint print assessment and critique.
Image analysis and artistic evaluation only the way Brian can,
Insightful, sometimes bizarre, always instructional viewpoint.
NOTE:This is LIMITED TO 15 SUBMISSIONS….first come, first served.
*Send me your files at 1800 pixels wide, JPEG only.
*Avoid logos and names on the images.
*Email to Less
All replays from previous Creative Cross Training events are in the forum for members.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
“I must create what others can’t…”
Ron emails me…
“Hey there Rob, I just want to say how thankful I am to get an email from you guys every single week on all things for photography. …..this last email you sent with this quote, “I believe life is a never ending classroom”.
Man let me tell you that just jumped off the page at me. I wish, wish I had the desire to learn in high school like the desire I have to learn now.
I feel like a sponge just absorbing as much information as I can and filtering it through what my goals in this life are.
I have entered into the bullpen an image for critique by the panel and found it very cringing and beneficial information that after the initial sting caused me to really think about being more intentional with my Photography.
I don’t enter all the time but I watch and learn as often as you have them. Here in Massachusetts it is very saturated with photographers. Everyone and their brother is a photographer in this area.
I do feel like there is enough families and clients to go around but I’m learning to do things to separate myself from the crowd. Things like and most important marketing! Second product, the product that the client sees and receives must be better and different than everyone else’s.
I learned this a few years ago, “I must create what others can’t” in order to separate myself from the crowd. Thank you for willingly share your welcome hour and failures on a weekly basis.
Thank you, Ron from Massachusetts.”
Thanks Ron….
Couple things….first off, yyeeaa! Life is a never ending classroom. Stop peddling, you fall off.
And rust away.
Who wants that? I don’t.
I too lacked the desire to learn when I was younger. Being the proverbial late bloomer, I didn’t know any better.
Better late than never I say.
I refuse to let it get me down, since regret only leads down the wrong path. No regrets. Everything happens for a reason.
The problem with learning is, yea, sometimes it stings. And it’s hard. Much easier to take the road most traveled.
Your observation: “Here in Massachusetts it is very saturated with photographers…” Is not unique to your area.
This is the way it is EVERYWHERE….All over the great big world. I’ve said this a million times, and I’ll say it again…photographers have had it easy…..’till now, of course.
We can no longer sit back on our butts and expect business to roll in. The same has happened with musicians.
You gotta get out and play as many gigs as you can. No one owes you ANYTHING…
I don’t care how TALENTED, or GOOD you are.
The money is out there. Go get it.
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
What do women really want…? And other deep questions…
AN email query….
“Hello! I am really enjoying your marketing webinars and the emails that I receive.
I was wondering, as I have seen this is a few different videos…. How do you go about
obtaining leads? Like in one you said to get the address of the family who just had a baby…
where do I get that info? Or how about upcoming Seniors? Do I contact the schools?
I have been trying to figure this out and was hoping you can help! Thank You so much! Kerra”
That is an huge question.
You might as well be asking:
*is there a God that made God?
*is the universe infinite and yet expanding if so, why?
*what do women really want….
Some wise words coming your way…This is key.
Get this and you’re on your way.
Think about most of the businesses most of us go to.
Restaurants, dry cleaners, massage therapists, gas stations, butchers and candle stick makers….you get the point.
Where do these folks get their leads from? Let’s assume you’re one. A lead, right?
Why do you go to a certain restaurant all the time?
Simple….because you like them! Their product. Their service…you are….wait for it…A repeat client.
So, the obvious answer is, repeat clients.
The best place to get leads, numero uno, can’t beat it for reliability and eagerness to do business with you again and again (unless of course you screw it up big time, so don’t do that…) is ….drum rollllll….
Okay, okay, I hear you. You ain’t got any clients yet. Cuz’ you’re brand new.
Fine. Let’s start there. You’ll get some clients soon enough.
It’s review time. Use the force and stick with me. This is a marketing MBA all wrapped in in one little nugget email.
How to start a business 101. Any business.
Photographers not excluded (I don’t care how much you know, how long you been around or how cool your camera is…we’re no better, no different, no more mysterious)..
Here it is…3 easy steps
1-Have a good product (YOUR MESSAGE)
3-Pitch that offer to a group of people likely to respond to it. (YOUR TARGET MARKET)
Easy? Do that over and over and over…rinse…repeat.
Listen, if you’re stuck in number two, go back to number one. It’s that simple.
Stuck in number three? Same thing, go back one.
We complicate things.
If you have a crappy offer, maybe you have a crappy product.
If you don’t know who to target your offer to, then you likely don’t have a great offer.
The offer determines the market. The product determines the offer.
It all connects and dances together in perfect poetic harmony. Like two Jedi’s fighting with light sabers…..
Get it?
Okay, I don’t want to drag this out. This is, like I mentioned, a HUGE question.
I talk about this and write about this ALL the time in the forum and on the mastermind calls.
Your mission? Become a marketing maniac.
Do that and your training is complete….almost..
At least, you’re on your way to understanding what it takes in the real world to grow a profitable business.
Not a pretend business. A real one.
Stay frosty and keep training my padawan….
Yours in photography and success,
Robert Provencher
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