Every time I find myself whining about something, I say to myself “Punch that drama queen in the face…”
I know, sounds a little aggressive. But when it comes to whining, blaming and complaining, I tend to over react.
It’s my nature. Somewhere, somehow, someplace a long time ago I got the message.
And that message is this: When you come up against adversity of any kind, it makes no sense to play victim, to whine about it, to complain or to play victim.
These behaviors in fact will take all your power away.
It’s tempting to default to victim mode. We’ve been doing it all our childhood. And if you want to remain like a child, then embrace it.
But if you want to grow, get strong, expand and find creative solutions, one needs to embrace the pain, suck it up and use self discipline.
Next time you come up against pain, suffering, challenges or road blocks, no matter what the situation, remember these wise words from Napolean Hill:
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
Take a deep breath, relax, and punch that inner drama queen out of your life.
Robert N. Provencher – Your Master Coach Marketer
“If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”